New Year's Writing Goals:
Achieving Without Being Overwhelmed The new year brings a fresh start: goals and resolutions. Take advantage of the energy that brings, but imagine setting your goals so you can't fail. What is the most magical, exciting idea/project you'd love to complete this year? Start from the joy and love of the work without questioning: If you can do it, how you're going to do it, or if it will be good enough...
Focus on the path in front of you, instead of the destination To succeed- don’t look up. The mountain will overwhelm you, the incline will make you think you'll never make it to the top. Look just one step ahead. This will allow you to keep going and reduce the fear.
Writing Guidance
Set A Goal
It can be a project or it can be committing to your creative practice. You decide whether it's product or process you need this year.
Set Up A Schedule
You may have to experiment with the time & location as to what's conducive and do-able with your daily/weekly life. You may also need to build up to your desired writing session length. Because writing takes focus and concentration, it takes practice in the way an athlete builds strength and endurance.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO FEEL SUCCESSFUL FROM THE START. You can start with 10 or 15 minutes a day and build up. The advantage to daily writing is the writing becomes a habit quicker, thus making facing the blank page easier, builds focus & concentration- AND TAKES SOME OF THE PRESSURE OFF. If you don't like what you're writing today, it doesn't matter as much, since you'll be writing tomorrow.
Set A Deadline
This is the way to actually finish your project. Select a completion date and then work backward to figure out how much time you'll need to work on it each week to make your deadline.
YOU ALSO ARE ALLOWED TO REVISE YOUR DEADLINE, if needed WITHOUT GUILT. Just be committed to the revised deadline. Then break down the project.Set your first draft deadline. Depending on the project and your writing experience, AFTER YOU'FE DONE THE 1ST DRAFT, you'll decide how many drafts you'll want/need to do.
Start A Project Or Writing Log
Make one or more entries each week about CONCERNS, QUESTIONS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS about your project and/or writing practice. This gives you more room to write, so the questions and concerns don't swirl around in your head.
Make sure you list all the work (accomplishments) you've done-writing, research, reading, seeing or participating in an art discipline, reviewing your work. But only if it gives you clarity, if this discourages you or exacerbates your 'critic,' wait till you've finished your first draft to read the work.
Get Support & Encouragement
Ask for support- whether it's a writing buddy, or a supportive friend, you might be surprised that they're grateful you asked, since you're giving them permission to do the same with you. And when you get struck or burned out- sometimes just talking it out- having a fellow writer or friend be a sounding board may give you perspective, clarity and release the stress.
We all need help and it's natural to get discouraged, especially when you're working on a long term project. Make getting support and encouragement a part of your writing practice.
If you need more guidance and support for your idea, writing practice or project, I offer:
- Coaching
- Script Consultations
- Phone Sessions
For More Info/To Schedule - terrie[at]
January Events
Don't Think! A Writing Workshop To Tap
The Creative Gold Of Your Subconscious
Sat, Jan 15th, 10:30am - 1:00pm
Presented by IWOSC- Independent Writers of Southern California
Facilitated by Terrie Silverman
We are at our most vulnerable when we are creating. Yet, we are at our most original and powerful when we can let go of playing it safe. This workshop will give you the tools to strengthen your unique voice using spontaneous writing, storytelling, drawing & guided imagery to spark the imagination, tap into the subconscious and write from a wild, playful place. Walk a new path with your words. All writing genres welcome. Admission: IWOSC members - $!5; Non-members - $35
Veterans Memorial Building
4117 Overland Avenue
Culver City (Corner of Culver Boulevard. Parking entrance on Culver)
Reservations Required. Space is limited. Reservation deadline: 4 p.m. the Friday before the seminar. For Reg/More info, please email- info[at]
Gorgeous Stories 11th Anniversary Performance Party!
Friday, January 28th, 7:30 pm
Celebrate the 11th year of Embarrasing, Absurd & Painfully Comic moments becoming GORGEOUS STORIES as Beyond Baroque’s Artist-in-Residence, Terrie Silverman, hosts a retrospective of brave, moving and often hilarious true stories from her Creative Rites Workshops featuring
LARAINE NEWMAN, (original SNL & Groundlings cast member)
MAUREEN TEEFY, (Fame, Grease 2)
LINDSIE CARLSEN, (Writer/Hula-Hooper)
FIONA GOODWIN, (British Comic)
MARIANNE LEWIS, (Singer/Songwriter)
JACK SUNDMACHER, (Actor/Writer/Filmmaker) &
STEPHEN SCHILLING (Writer/Black Belt-Martial Arts.) The evening will include storytelling, solo-performance, music, prizes, audience participation and a dessert reception. Delight in the giving and receiving of personal stories.
Cover- $12
Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center
681 Venice Blvd.
Venice, CA 90291
Winter Classes Start As Of Jan 8th For:
* Truth Lies & Memory: Creating The One-Person Show
* Memoir/Life Stories/Short Stories/Fiction
* Get Going, Go Solo! Weekend Lab Intensive (in Feb)
* Pet Lit- A Writing/Storytelling Workshop for Pet Lovers
* Creative Expression
Classes in Venice, West LA & Pasadena
For more info/To Reg- terrie[at]
If you'd like to share your writing experience and/or moments of triumph, you can post it here or
Creative Rites on Facebook
Keep Telling Your Stories!